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SafeNet Trusted Access

Provide simple, secure access to all your apps
with authentication everywhere

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Secure your Workforce and Protect the Enterprise with SafeNet Trusted Access

Ensure that your workforce can access the right resources at the right time and for the right reasons.

SafeNet Trusted Access is an access management and authentication service that enables quick deployment of multiple authentication journeys to expand your MFA coverage, allowing you to reduce insider and outsider threats.

Because it gives you the power to control access to all apps with the right policy, you can enforce the right authentication method for the right user.

With SafeNet Trusted Access, you can simplify user access to cloud services and enterprise apps, streamline cloud identity management, and eliminate password hassles for IT and users. You can also get a single-pane view of access events across your app estate to ensure that the right user can access the right application at the right level of trust.

94 percent

of surveyed IT organizations said they had a good experience using SafeNet Trusted Access

90 percent

of surveyed IT organizations said it was easy for their organization to deploy/implement STA

83 percent

of surveyed IT organizations said they benefit from the multiple authentication methods that STA provides

(Source : TechValidate Survey 2022)

Thrive with SafeNet Trusted Access

SafeNet Trusted Access – Adapts to users needs

SafeNet Trusted Access is unique in its ability to meet the diverse needs of diverse users in your organization, by proposing the right authentication method for the right user.


Practices or concept that may have worked for us in the past, are no longer valid for the reality today. Every user is a target, there is no longer a clearly defined perimeter to defend. At the same time not all authentication methods are created equal and can fit all use cases and users in your organization.


That is why it is no longer relevant to assume that the authentication and access management solution you have can necessarily protect you in the future. Until now you might have checked a box in implementing MFA for your IT staff but as we’ve in these examples, attacks focus on all types of users. Relying on what used to work for you in the past is  liable to lead to blind spots in an organization’s security assumptions. 

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Secure Access with Authentication everywhere

At Thales we believe that organizations can manage their digital transformations securely by protecting more apps and more users through better MFA coverage. In today’s threat environment all users and applications are targets. That’s why to ensure anywhere secure access, MFA should be expanded to cover all potential targets.


Offering contextual/adaptive and modern authentication capabilities, through high-assurance FIDO devices, as well as Push and pattern based authentication, SafeNet Trusted Access allows you to expand secure access to any app and all users, by enabling users to authenticate anywhere, whatever their circumstances.

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Smart Single Sign On (SSO)

Smart Single Sign-On lets users log in to all their cloud applications with a single identity, eliminating password fatigue, frustration, password resets and downtime. SafeNet Trusted Access processes a user’s login requests and ensures that SSO is applied intelligently, based on previous authentications in the same SSO session and the specific policy requirements applicable to each access attempt. In this way, users may authenticate just once in order to access all their cloud applications, or provide additional authentication as configured in the policy.

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Robust Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) & Authenticator Options

SafeNet Trusted Access supports numerous authentication methods and allows you to leverage authentication schemes already deployed in your organization. The broadest range of authentication methods and form factors supported combined with context-based authentication enhances user convenience and allows you to manage risk by elevating trust only when needed.

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Flexible Scenario-Based Access Policies

SafeNet Trusted Access offers flexible access management through a simple to use policy engine that gives customers real-time control over the ability to enforce policies at the individual user, group or application level. The policy engine supports a broad range of authentication methods, including ones already deployed, allowing organizations to leverage their current investments and use them to secure cloud and web-based services.

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Rapid Deployment, Scalability & Value

As a cloud-based service, SafeNet Trusted Access can deployed rapidly and can scale easily to meet your organizations evolving needs. Easily add hundreds of users or differentiate user groups across countries to apply regional compliance controls. In addition, with SafeNet Trusted Access offers a wide range of authentication types bundled with the service at no additional cost.

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SafeNet Trusted Access Benefits:

  • Expand authentication to more users by meeting specific authentication needs
  • Apply authentication to more apps thanks to flexible integration technologies
  • Deploy quickly and smoothly and ensure remote implementation for thousands of users
  • Complement existing solutions and expand secure access to more users and user types.
  • Offer user convenience with passwordless authentication for enhanced security and reduced costs

SafeNet Trusted Access Brings Security to Authentication and Access

Check out this product review of SafeNet Trusted Access. Learn how STA offers a compelling blend of security solutions that bridge the MFA, SSO and access management worlds in a single, well-integrated package. Discover how your business can bring security to access management.

Expert Insights

SafeNet Trusted Access awarded Top Solution of Q1 2025 by Expert Insights

"SafeNet Trusted Access is an industry leading IAM solution, from a highly trusted brand, with functionality built up over more than three decades in the authentication space."


SafeNet Trusted Access a Leader in Single Sign-On (SSO) Solutions for Spring 2024

SafeNet Trusted Access fits into organizational IT environments smoothly. With no infrastructure needed, and delivered as SaaS, it can be deployed rapidly and flexibly.

Cloud-based Access Management - SafeNet Trusted Access

Cloud-based applications play a vital role in fulfilling productivity, operational and infrastructure needs in the enterprise. However, the burden of managing users’ multiple cloud identities grows as more cloud apps are used. Each new service added to an organizations’ cloud estate, makes unified visibility into cloud access events harder to achieve, and increases compliance risk. Users struggle to maintain countless usernames and passwords, while help desk tickets requiring password resets abound. And with cloud applications protected, by default, only with weak static passwords, the risk of a data breach rises.

Real Estate Development Co. Ensures Secure Access with SafeNet Trusted Access

Contact a specialist about SafeNet Trusted Access

Explore our SafeNet Trusted Access Resources

Gartner® Report: 2025 Market Guide for User Authentication

IAM leaders should seek toolsets that minimize account takeover risks and optimize user experience as part of a cohesive cybersecurity strategy that reflects human-centric design. Download the 2025 Gartner® Market Guide for User Authentication and explore how MFA, FIDO protocols, and identity-first security optimize user experience and reduce risks.

2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Access Management

Gartner has recognized Thales as a Visionary in the “Magic Quadrant for Access Management, December 2024.” "Workforce access management capabilities are mature, but innovation is slowing. CIAM product features are thriving, machine IAM capabilities are increasing and partner IAM capabilities are in demand."

Market Leaders in Passwordless Authentication - KuppingerCole Report

Explore the Passwordless Authentication Leadership Compass where KuppingerCole identifies the leaders in the market and presents you with a compass to help you to find the product or service that best meets your needs.

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Advanced Authentication for Identity Security 2021 Vendor Assessment

In this report, IDC studied global providers of advanced authentication services and surveyed customers that are using these technologies. Learn more about the authentication market and why Thales was named a Leader in advanced authentication.

KuppingerCole Report Executive View: SafeNet Trust Access

Read this KuppingerCole Executive View report on why Thales SafeNet Trusted Access Platform is a market leading Enterprise Authentication and access management solution that is highly scalable and built for environments that require the highest security levels and offers a variety of hard and soft token solutions as well as FIDO compliant authenticators.

Supporting Multiple User Authentication Journeys Enables Modern Access Security

An overview of the emerging authentication landscape and the challenges towards a modern, dynamic access security. Examines how supporting a range of user authentication journeys can help organizations balance strong security with a smooth user experience.

Cloud-based Access Management - SafeNet Trusted Access

Cloud-based applications play a vital role in fulfilling productivity, operational and infrastructure needs in the enterprise. The burden of managing users’ multiple cloud identities grows as more cloud apps are used. 

KuppingerCole Leadership Compass on Enterprise Authentication

Explore the Enterprise Authentication Leadership Compass where KuppingerCole identifies the leaders in the authentication solutions market.

Protecting O365 and Microsoft Environments with Thales’ SafeNet Trusted Access

Organizations are on a cloud migration journey. Many have implemented various on-premises Microsoft solutions, such as Office suite and AD FS, are migrating – primarily Office 365 – into the cloud. SafeNet can help protect your Microsoft cloud-based services and scale it securely in the cloud.

Meeting NIST Guidelines for Zero Trust Security

Access this white paper to understand how NIST's recommendations and guidelines for implementing Zero Trust security can help you secure apps and data in your organization.

How Can You Trust an Untrusted Environment

Digital transformation, the proliferation of disruptive technologies and emerging trends such as ‘work from home’, coupled with the alarming increase in data breaches and security incidents have rendered the concept of trust extinct. Zero Trust security is based on the tenet “Never Trust, Always Verify”, views trust as a vulnerability, and requires strict and continuous identity verification to minimize implicit trust zones.

Learn about other Thales products that work with SafeNet Trusted Access

Identity as a Service (IDaaS)

Identity as a Service (IDaaS)

Securing and managing cloud identities is central to an enterprise’s IAM strategy.

Authentication as a Service (AaaS)

Authentication as a Service (AaaS)

Enables organizations to easily apply multi-factor authentication to secure access to any application, from any device, anywhere.

SAML Authentication

SAML Authentication

SAML based Authentication is a method of identity verification that leverages an identity provider to authenticate users centrally to a broad range of unaffiliated websites.

Cloud Single Sign On (Cloud SSO)

Cloud Single Sign On (Cloud SSO)

Offers easy access to cloud applications. Learn how you can have access to all cloud apps with just a single identity today!

Learn more about our market-leading solutions

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